The only time the birthday crown was worn ON her birthday. Since then, she has worn it about the house like a normal accessory. (whew!)
Who wants to hear the horse music box? Why all the horses in the land of course (and perhaps a few fairies)!
Shoveling is hard work...digging a pass (like the Rocky Mountain Pass) is even harder!
Guess who?
Surprise! (Playing bucket-head was far more fun than digging a pass.)
On top of the snowy mountain! (What a pose, huh?)
And now on to this week's fun...
This was the morning our 4.5 year old got up on her own, woke not a soul, dressed herself in her big girl clothes (please note the purple belt and baseball cap, key items in being dressed as a big girl) and then announced to everyone that the sun was up, so what was our problem? (Before and since she has never, ever, gotten up and afforded her mom an extra second of sleep!)
Proud of the tower built for animals and dollies alike (managed by dumping the basket of blocks down the stairs for more efficient hauling.)
50 degrees you say? Let's walk -- dogs and binnoculars are all I need!
Seed pods, everywhere. Please note the petticoat-like layers in Mathea's dress. Brand new velour dress, two layered skirt, pants, and a new to her spring coat (layered over another). All clean and pretty. I had to beg her to wear water-proof boots and not some pink item. She swore she would walk around every puddle.
Hmmm. I suspect the entire month of March's pictures will look something like this.
She was joyfully exclaiming "spring, it's spring!" Heartbreaking. February in western New York. Not so much. But beautiful while it lasts. (Oh, and did you notice the mud? Almost lost the boots at the bottom of the block. Imagine suction and cries of "hold my hand!" Yes, March will be interesting.)
Mairi looks HUGE in the birthday crown picture! And I love Mattie's mountain top pose. Not quite sure what to say about the velvet dress get-up. I remember you describing it over the phone, but you really DO have to see to believe!